Full Name (required)

    Email (required)

    Street Address (required)

    City (required)

    Postal Code (required)

    Primary Phone Number (required)

    Alternate Phone Number

    Have you applied for employment with us? (required)


    Volunteer Eligibility

    When will you be available to begin Volunteering?

    Are you 18 or older?


    Have you been convicted of a criminal offence for which a pardon has not been granted?


    If yes please explain.(Please provide criminal record check at interview)

    Are you willing to provide us with a Child abuse registry check?


    Do you have other special training or skills?
    (additional spoken or written languages, CPR/First Aid, NVCI)

    We offer various programs, what program would you be the most interested in volunteering. (Life skills/Music/Arts & Crafts/Girls Club/Home Work Club/Food Bank/Board Member/General Dropin


    High School?


    Course of study?

    Number of years completed

    Did you graduate?


    Work Experience

    Position 1

    Company Name

    Company Phone Number

    Job Title

    Name of Supervisor

    Employed From:


    Describe your work

    Position 2

    Company Name

    Company Phone Number

    Job Title

    Name of Supervisor

    Employed From:


    Describe your work

    May we contact your previous/current employer?


    If not, why not?

    Reason for leaving

    To prevent robots from invading our site, please type the characters below


    We are always on the lookout for people to work in and with our various programs. You must fill out a volunteer form and be at least 18 years of age unless authorized by a school or program.

    If interested in volunteering contact Pat LeBlanc or Chris Lernowicz
    (204) 254-1618.

    Click here to download a Volunteer Application